Sunday, June 17, 2012

Spring Break 2012

We spent the first part of our Spring Break at the beach!  Gigi had a sign for Mr. Ruston on the door.
Ruston enjoyed the beach and the sand so much more than he did on previous trips. 
He dug holes and filled buckets and made little sand shapes.
Of course, he got a little football throwing in too.
My little beach bum.
Gigi was so happy to have him there.

Pawpaw came and swam at the pool, too.

I had to head back a little earlier than everyone else.  I lost another family member to cancer that week. :(

Later that week we headed to the rodeo.  We went to the little kiddie part and picked some potatoes.
Most of our time was spent at the John Deere tent.  Farm boy here had to test drive every single tractor and lawn mower they had.  Some of them, twice!
Stan gave us 2 carnival bracelets, so we could ride whatever we wanted!  We started off on the merry-go-round.
Ruston rode a train, a fire truck, and these cars.
But the favorite was the boats.  He actually just stayed on at the end of the first ride and kept riding.  He sat in the back of the boat and kicked back.  Then he sang as loud as he could for all of our entertainment. :)  As he passed by me, I heard the ABC's, the Itsy Bitsy Spider, and Highway to the Dangerzone.  You know, all the classics.
Then it was rodeo time! We watched the horses and bulls and all the cowboys.
And of course we enjoyed some cotton candy!
We didn't stay for the concert, so we got out of there decently early.  We stopped by Sonic on the way home and showed off our cool wristbands!


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