Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Relay for Life

Every year, the American Cancer Society puts on Relay for Life Events.

Cancer has affected so many of our friends and family, so Audrey and I joined our church's team to participate in the Elgin event.  We tie-dyed our shirts and then ironed on pictures of our family members that we've lost or are still struggling with cancer.
I made Ruston a little shirt too.
We got there just in time for the survivor lap and everyone lined the track and clapped as they walked by.  After the opening ceremony, Ruston found some Crim friends to walk with on our first lap around. :)

You can purchase and decorate luminaria bags in memory or in honor of people that fought/are fighting cancer.  I made one for my MawMaw, PawPaw, Aunt Debbie, and Bop and wrote a different bible verse at the bottom of each.  They place the bags around the track in alphabetic order so they are easy to find.  As we walked, we found all of our bags.

Mom and Danny came and walked with us too.

The luminaria ceremony was so incredibly moving and emotional.  After the sun goes down, everyone stops walking, lines the track, and then the stadium lights are cut off.  The candles in each of the luminaria bags are lit and they give off the only light in the stadium.  It was amazing.
Everyone holds hands and remembers those that we've lost and prays for those still fighting.  There were a couple performers that sang.  Mark Winston Kirk wrote a song specifically for the event about keeping the candles burning for our loved ones.  I had to let go of hands at one point to wipe the tears from my face.  

After the luminaria ceremony, everyone walks a lap in silence.  The only sound you could hear was the footsteps of the people around you.  So crazy considering how many people were there.  They turn the stadium lights back on and everyone continues the walking!  There are booths set up with different types of snacks and games for the kids. All of the proceeds go towards the cancer research fund.  They randomly do "themed laps" throughout the night too.  The only themed lap we were there for was the "Light it Up" lap.  It was when the stadium lights were still out and people held up flashlights, cell phones, or glow sticks.  The event goes on all night, with a closing ceremony early the next morning.  I will definitely be participating again next year, but will hopefully get to stay longer! :)


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