Saturday, June 23, 2012

Field Trip #1

Our first field trip of the summer was to the Capital of Texas Zoo!  We went there are couple of years ago on a school field trip...  It's not a big city zoo.  It reminded me of the zoo on the movie "We Bought a Zoo", but even smaller than that.  It was perfect for a morning trip with a toddler, though.  Ruston and I rode with Kathie and Dillon and Danny got to meet us there for a little bit too.  The zoo is in his county, so he just used it as his lunch break.

First up was the bird house.  Ruston kept scooting closer and closer to the bird, but he wouldn't turn towards me for a picture.  Those eyes stayed GLUED on the bird... I think he was scared of the poop... hey, I would have been too. :)
He liked the peacocks...he kept yelling at them to "get bigger!" when he wanted them to open their wings.  The peacocks just wandered around the zoo... the majority of them weren't in cages.  I'm pretty sure they were the clean up crew for the little lunch area...they were watching us like hawks, waiting for us to leave!
Yes, I know his eyes are closed, but it's the only pic I have with the guinea pigs. There were so many of them! All different sizes and colors.  One seriously looked like cousin It. His hair was all over the place and hung in the dirt...I don't know how he could see!
The camel was the biggest animal Danny got to see before heading back on duty.  It was also the furthest away of all the animals.  Most of them you could walk right up to their cage/enclosure.  I wonder why... Camels don't spit, do they? Isn't that llamas? Hmm.
The zoo had a brand new baby zebra born at the end of May.  I REALLY wanted to see that cute little thing.  We saw him, but he wanted no piece of coming closer to the fence.  So we hung out with Daddy zebra instead.
Gigi used to bring her Daycare kids to this zoo.  She said it looked pretty much the same!
These little guys were fighting over some food that Dillon threw them.  I don't know how Dillon managed to escape my camera all day, but I have not one picture of him.  Dillon - I'm going to take double of you on our next field trip!
When we walked up to the white tigers pen, we were pretty excited... he was right up against the gate for us to see!  We felt pretty special that he was showing off for us...until we realized he was stalking out a mouse! There was a little mouse just a few feet in front of him that was hung on some broken branches.  The tiger's eyes followed that thing non-stop until the mouse got free and ran off.  Lucky mouse!  As soon as the mouse was gone, the tiger was outta there too.
The lion was completely anti-social.  We visited him twice and he wouldn't even look our way.  Man, he was huge!
This friendly little guy moved as fast as I imagine a turtle can to come visit us!  As soon as we bent down by his fence, he booked it across to us.  Turns out he was starving.  He ate some grass right out of my hand.  He had a really big mouth!  We picked a bunch of grass and threw it in there for him.
This bear was seriously hilarious.  He was in the very back of the zoo, down some overgrown paths that had empty cages all the way down.  I don't think many people make it back there to see him because it looked like that part of the zoo was empty!  When we walked up to his cage, he stood there for a minute, then walked back and plopped down up against this big rock.  Then he propped his foot up on the tree, grabbed his toes with his hand and threw his head back.  He kept looking at us to make sure we were watching his little show. :)
Ruston loved the alligators.  Maybe it's all the Swamp People we watch. :)  It wasn't easy to pull him away from them.  Actually, he really liked the snakes too, so I guess he's a reptile boy.  
This is him staring at the crocodile.  He was trying to hide from us under the water, but we got him to come out. :)
So glad my boy loves animals and zoos as much as I do. :)


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