Sunday, June 17, 2012

The BIG 6-0

My dad turned 60 in March!
 We went to their house to hang out and have dinner that night.
 Dad likes Red Velvet Cake, so I made The Pioneer Woman's sheet cake.  De-lish.  Ruston helped himself to bite sized pieces of frosting.
 After dinner we opened presents.

 Thanks to my new obsession, Pinterest, I found a gift idea I just knew Dad would love.  It was called 60 Years of Memories.  I didn't get a picture of it all bundled together, but you get the idea.
 We typed up a letter and sent it out to Dad's family and friends from different stages in his life.  It was hard finding contact info for a lot of people, but I was surprised at how many people we actually found.  The letter asked everyone to share a memory they had of Dad.  They could email or mail it back to us.
 The idea was to get a total of 60 memories, one for each numbered envelope.  As the deadline got closer, I was a little nervous...we didn't have many.  But we ended up having more than 60! There were a couple envelopes that had 2-3 memories put together.
 Dad liked it! He started crying on the very first envelope.  Dad went back and forth between crying, laughing, and "correcting" the stories that people sent.  My poor Grandpa cried the whole time. :)
 As people emailed in their memories, a lot of them asked if/when there would be a party.  So Melinda set up a surprise party!  We invited all the people that sent in memories and brought them for everyone to read.  Dad said he knew something was up when Melinda kept stalling and making them later for dinner. :)

 Of course the tractor man had to drive the old school tractor in the parking lot.

Thanks to everyone that came out to help celebrate Dad's birthday!!

Dad's birthday on PhotoPeach


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