Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Ten on Tuesday - Revisited

Wow! What a week it's already been and it's only Tuesday!! haha. Working all day is definitely taking some getting used to. It's a big difference from being at home hanging out with my boy all day. It was so hard to leave him yesterday!! Way harder than the first time I went back to work. I'll admit, I did cry when I left the house! But I called my buddy Leslie and we complained together. :) I think we both came to the consensus that working is over-rated and we will soon be taking the new job of Full time stay at home mom!! (Ha! I wish!!) He's 11 months old today and I just can't believe how fast this year has gone by.

Anyway, I know you have all been on pins and needles waiting to find out if I met my ten goals for the summer! I made them HERE.

So, let's check them out!!

1. Clean out our closet! -- Hmm....kind of. It's definitely better than it was! And I can't take the credit for everything that got done in there. Danny actually did most of it!

2. Work on Ruston's baby book. -- YES!! I did! But am I finished? Not close. Will I be finished and have it ready for his first birthday party? Probably not. I'm filling out his official baby book, but I'm also making him a scrapbook. And that's what takes so long. :(

3. Go to the beach at least 5 times. -- No. :( We didn't make this one. But we got close! We went 3 times. And we were supposed to be going again this weekend, but we don't get to now. Danny has to fill in at work for some people that took off. Booooo! I had Ruston's outfit all planned for his 11 month pics with Ken. So I guess we don't get to take them now. :( Luckily, Bekah took some for his bday invites that can work for this month, even though they were a little early. But I digress...back to the beach! The trips we did get to take were fantastic. I'm so lucky to have a place to go without spending a lot of money.

4. Read. -- Yeppers! I didn't finish a whole book, but I got close! And I'll finish it soon. :) I did get to do a lot of blog reading though. Danny thinks I'm crazy reading about these people I don't know. But I really like just knowing there are other people in the same situations I'm in and seeing how other people live.

5. Visit my friends in Dallas. -- Once! I had a great trip up to Dallas in June. I got to see a bunch of my friends, but not all of them. I wish I could have gone up there more, but it's hard. On a side note, one of co-workers from McKenzie just had her 2nd baby. They didn't know before hand, but he had a heart condition that was pretty scary. He was supposed to get to go home today, yay! But whenever you have a free moment, say a little prayer that Baby Maddox stays healthy. :)

6. Spend some time with my family. -- Yes!! I got to spend lots of time with Ruston (although it's never enough). Danny was awesome and took some time off work here and there too so that we could spend some time together. Beach trips were fantastic and even when we just hung out here, it was nice to see each other. :)

7. Work on some school stuff for next year. -- Ha! The boxes I brought home didn't ever move! But that's OK. I feel prepared for the new year and spent my time and energy on what I should family.

8. Cook at least 3 times a week. --Sometimes. We weren't home a lot of nights each week so I couldn't cook then. But I've definitely cooked the majority of the time we've all been home. When Danny works late, I usually don't cook, because it's just for me.

9. Go to church. -- :( Big sad face. I'm really bummed about this one. We have got to get into a church. We are really having a hard time finding one that we feel excited about going to. This has now become my fall goal. We are going to find a church home.

10. Spend some time on myself! --Mmmm, yeah, I'd say so. Wednesdays were pretty much all about me. Kathie kept Ruston most Wednesdays, so I'd do whatever I wanted to at the house. Take naps. Float in the pool. Run errands. Work on scrapbooks. And we started having girls nights on Wednesdays, which is fabulous. I really enjoy my time with the girls!

Adios, summertime! See ya next year!


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