Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Ten on Tuesday

Copying this from my friend, Leslie! I keep finding all these cute blog ideas and I want to do them all! haha


1. Clean out our closet! This has been on my to-do list since we moved into the house. There are still boxes that need to be unpacked in there. I'm sure I could have been using some of the stuff in the boxes, rather than going out and buying new things!

2. Work on Ruston's baby book. You know, everyone said, "Start it now." And I did. But then I stopped. I'm so disappointed in myself. My assistant principal last year gave me a journal to write in through pregnancy and after Ruston arrived. I started out great, but quit right before he was born. I really wish I would have kept a better record of everything that happened. I've already started forgetting things. :(

3. Go to the beach at least 5 times. This might sound like a lot for some of you, but when you have a condo available 24/7/365, there is no excuse for not using it. The summer that Danny and I got married, I was down in Port Aransas probably 70% of the time. Last year I was pregnant and the heat was miserable, so I wasn't there much. But this year, I am determined to take advantage of what I have available to me!

4. Read. I love reading. I haven't read a book for enjoyment in so long and I'd really like to start again. I also like to read blogs...there are some that I haven't read in forever and I need to catch up!

5. Visit my friends in Dallas. You have no idea how much I miss everyone in Mesquite and around that area. I knew I'd be sad, but never did I imagine I would still miss everyone this long down the road. I see pictures on facebook or read your blogs and I can't help but wish I was there!

6. Spend some time with my family. During the school year everything is so hectic. I am really looking forward to having some time to actually relax with my boys and just enjoy their company. Whether we're out doing something or sitting on the couch, I can't wait!

7. Work on some school stuff for next year. I know, I know, it sounds like I'm contradicting myself with #6. I won't do anything that gets in the way of my family time, but I really would like to get some stuff prepared for next year. I can't tell you how off I've felt this entire year. I was at a new school, new district, so that was some of it. But I also just didn't have time to prepare everything I normally do. I got into my classroom really late in the summer, and was 8 1/2 months pregnant, so I never got it set up the way I like. Then I was gone for 2 months and had to start all over when I got back. I just don't feel like I ever caught up. And I didn't like it. I really want to be able to be on top of things so they aren't as hard when school actually starts next year.

8. Cook at least 3 times a week. I can't decide if I want to say 2 or 3's hard. I really like cooking and I'd do it more often if someone would eat it. But most of the time Danny doesn't get home until around 8:30 or 9 and he's already eaten. I don't like cooking for just me. And the nights I do cook, we usually have left overs for the next night. So 3 times a week will really be a lot for us!

9. Go to church. Ruston and I have been several times since the start of the new year, but I still think we should go more. I haven't really found a church that I feel a part of yet. I've been going most weeks with my friend Megan to the Methodist church in Elgin. But I haven't really connected with it yet. They're getting a new pastor in the next couple weeks, so I'll see what I think then. We went to a Baptist church once, but I didn't like that. The actual church wasn't bad, but I think since I was by myself, it didn't really make for a good experience. I just felt weird sitting my myself the whole time. I have some ideas of places I'd like to try...hopefully Danny will have some Sundays off this summer so he can go with me!

10. Spend some time on myself! This summer I'd really like to try and just have some down time for myself. I feel like right now I go, go, go from sun up to sun down and never really take the time to relax or do something I enjoy. But I'm going to this summer!

What are your 10 goals for the summertime?!?


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