Sunday, January 30, 2011


I feel terrible that I haven't gotten this post up sooner! My big boy is growing and changing everyday.  I almost feel like I can't call him a baby anymore!! :(

At 16 months, Ruston.......

still has a great love for cars, trucks, tractors, and anything that moves! His collection seems to grow by the day.  He's got cars all over the house! :)

He is a big fan of his doggie tent.  Earlier today, he was in there tearing apart reading a flying magazine. He likes when we go in there with him, too.  He jumps, climbs, and rolls all over us.
We've got his pillow pets in there now too.  He'll go in and lay down, but that only lasts a few seconds. :)

HE SLEEPS!!!! Can you believe it?!? A few days before his 16 month bday, he started sleeping through the night.  It was so strange, we didn't do anything different, it just happened.  Every once in a while, he'll wake up once, but he's back asleep within minutes.  This is such a relief, because the lack of sleep was really starting to catch up to me!

He hasn't been the greatest eater this month.  He seems to have become more picky and isn't really into as much as he used to be.  His portions have definitely dropped too.  He's by no means a big or chubby boy, so I'm really bummed about this.  Hopefully it'll pick back up soon.

Bathtime is still fun.  He's got a little basketball hoop in there now that he likes to throw all his toys in.  The other day he stayed in the bathtub for 45 minutes! Talk about a prune. :)

We got him a little table and chair set.  He's gotten to where he will "color" now, so I wanted him to have a place to sit.  Only problem? He likes to climb and stand up on the table.  Geez.  Little daredevil.

He can now show you where his "nelly nutton" (belly button) and tongue is. haha.  He can stick it out really far!

He has started saying a few words!  He's a professional "no" sayer.  It's really funny, sometimes he'll even shake his head as he says it. :)  His first "official" word came a few days before his 16 month bday....are you ready for this? It was "Dallas." haha! We're pretty sure he's said ball and bird, too, but it hasn't been consistent.

The boy does not slow down! He is all over the place.  We have to keep the bedroom and bathroom doors shut, so we contain him to one space! ha! Otherwise, he wanders off and we're looking for him forever.  He will even wander into a dark room.  He is definitely not scared of the dark! The other day I heard him close our bedroom door.  I walked over and opened it up.... it was completely dark in there and he was just standing there, smiling! Goofy boy.

Ruston is a climber! We don't mind when he climbs up into his chair.  But when he climbs on the fireplace, table, stroller thats parked in the gets to be a problem. Can't take our eyes off of him for a minute!

He is a cowboy at heart! He drives his tractor all over the house.  I had to snap a few pics of him with his Wranglers and boots on. :)
Check out his new camo boots!! :)


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