Sunday, January 16, 2011

Busy Bees

Well, I'm glad I didn't decide to participate in the Blog 365... (where you blog every day of 2011)... I obviously would have failed miserably. :)

We've had some exciting things going on the last 2 weekends...
Last Saturday we went to Miss Kenzie's 3rd birthday party.
She had a bounce house that I finally convinced Ruston to try out.  He wasn't too into it.  He just sat there and let everyone around him bounce. haha

After Kenzie opened presents, they pulled one of the big fire engines around and let the kids get in.

They were all so tired, but they enjoyed it!

I had a pretty crazy in Austin until 8 on Wednesday, Science Night @ the school until 7 on Thursday, and then a FANTABULOUS concert Friday night! Danny and I went with Joe David and Melanie to see George Strait and Reba McIntire.  Leanne Womack opened up for them. 

Reba was fantastic! She sang a lot of her old songs, which we liked.  When she sang the TV show theme song, Barbara Jean came out on stage. So funny! She even made a joke about the Pink Monkey. ha!

Danny and JD used their charm to get all the way to the bottom floor! Now you have to understand, we were way up top, 4 rows from touching the ceiling. lol. So for them to get down that close was pretty impressive.  Melanie and I didn't even believe them until they came back and showed us the pictures. :)

George was super too, but definitely not as big a performer as Reba.  Still one handsome man, though.

We've been resting up the rest of the weekend.  Danny had a little too much fun at the concert. haha. We went shopping today and I cashed in all of my gift cards and Christmas money for a brand new CAMERA!! I'm really excited to start playing with it! Tomorrow Ruston turns 16 months old, so he'll have to do a photo shoot for me. :)


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