Tuesday, April 27, 2010

No time for rest!

I'm sitting here at school, waiting for school buses to show up and take us on our field trip. We're going on 3 field trips this week! Talk about hectic....while field trips ARE fun, I think most teacher would agree that there is a high level of stress that goes along with them. This week is an important one for the upper grades....TAKS testing. glad I don't have to deal with that. In an attempt to keep the younger kiddos quiet for the testers, we're headed out on trips for 3 days. Today it's Webberville Park, tomorrow the LBJ Museum and Zilker Park, and Thursday we're headed to Elgin to visit the Fire Dept and Police Dept.

School isn't the only place that's got me busy. Home life is just as hectic! We've been to 3 weddings over the past 3 weekends, and there isn't a break ahead. Baby showers, weddings, and long planned family visits have our weekends booked up through the middle of June! Crazy! Tonight we're going to College Station to have dinner for Amanda's 21st birthday. It'll be fun, but man, I'll be tired tomorrow!! :)

On top of all that, Ruston's got another ear infection. So sleep at night has been scarce. I'm just counting down the days till summer when I can take naps with him during the day!

On a fun note, we went to Target after Ruston's Dr appt yesterday to pick up some things. We've gotten our tax return back, so we bought a swimming pool! It's one of those blue blow up things that's like waist deep. Can't wait for lazy pool days!!


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