Monday, April 12, 2010

Lauri's Wedding Weekend

We had a great weekend down at the Frio! Unfortunately, Austin traffic didn't allow me to get there in time for rehearsal, but we did make it to the dinner. We had some yummy chicken fried steak, then headed to the cabins.
The Pecan Farm was beautiful. Everything was starting to turn green and the cabins were really neat.
This is our cabin.....#11, Wichita.
This little boy woke up in a great mood on Saturday morning. Lauri picked me up bright and early and we headed to Concan to get our hair done. Luckily, we got back in time for me to hang out with him for a while. :)
We took him over to the playground for a while. He wasn't too sure about the baby swing. He held on with both hands and eventually tried to eat the rope.
So we climbed up the playscape...
...and went down the slide!
Then he did some swinging with Dad.
After playing a while, we walked down to the river.
The water was beautiful! Ruston just stared at it.
He sat with Mo out on the rocks for a while.
Then it was back to wedding business!! I got dressed and headed to Lauri's cabin.
Lauri looked amazing! Her dress was so pretty.
The ceremony was a perfect length, in perfect weather.
Congrats, Mr. & Mrs. Kelley!!
Ruston would not stop sucking on pickles at the reception. He'd make a squishy face, but keep going back for more!
First dance!
Family pic at the table. Ruston refused to look at the camera. :)
Such a happy boy.
Woo hoo!!!
Congrats, Lauri and Rayne! The wedding was beautiful, the reception was a blast, and we all had such a great time!


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