Tuesday, April 20, 2010

7 Months!

This little toot is 7 months old! I think he looks so "skinny" in these pictures! He's able to sit up on his own now and has actually "caught" himself a few times. He's getting to be such a big boy!
Eating: We tried yogurt for the first time this week! So far he likes it. Right now he eats 3 packs of the Gerber 1st foods and 1/3 pack of yogurt each day. He also has either a bottle or eats with me 5 times. It seems like he eats a lot, but he's just not a chunky baby! After he gets used to the yogurt we're going to try some of the 2nd foods. They are a little bigger than the 1st and have some different flavors...most of them are a mix of different veggies or fruits.
Sleeping: What is that?? haha. Ruston is still not the best sleeper. I will be honest, we aren't helping the matter at all. He sleeps with us every night. I really was planning on trying the cry it out technique. But it wears me out! I'm already sooo tired...if I throw him in bed with us, I get to go to sleep! I know, I know, I'm starting a bad habit...I keep saying, OK, tomorrow night I'll do it. Yeah, right. I'm still just as tired. I'll get to it someday...don't judge me! haha. Anyway, when he sleeps with us, he actually sleeps about 7 hours. He wakes up a few times, but I can usually get him to go back to sleep. I feed him at 5:30 and then he sleeps for about an hour and a half longer. He normally takes 2 naps a day...anywhere from 30 mins to the occasional 2 hours. He's the king of power naps...he can take a short 20 min nap and be a happy little dude.
Playing: This guy is into EVERYTHING. He doesn't miss a thing. He will stretch, twist, reach, sprawl out, whatever he has to do to see what's going on. He rolls over every once in a seems like he just doesn't have any desire to do so! He loves to stand. He pulls himself up and will bounce and stamp his legs. Anything that plays music is his best friend. He will stare at and suck on anything that makes noise. His new toy is an empty 2 liter of Cherry Coke he likes to beat on. Speaking of beating on, he hits everything! I don't know how he doesn't hurt his little knuckles because he definitely doesn't lightly tap anything! :) He knocks on the wall when you change his diaper, knocks on the bathroom door when dad won't come out, and knocks on the window while people walk away from the house. He makes all kinds of noises. He hums, grunts, babbles, razzes, squeals, laughs, and even growls!! He's been hanging out with Diesel too much! We joke that his first word is actually going to be a bark! :) He just loves "his puppy." He watches him and just dies laughing at how goofy his fur brother looks. He has such a sweet smile and he is by no means stingy with them. He hands them out freely! He's starting to give kisses now...he'll open his mouth really wide and just fall forward into your face. Super cute and super messy!
Give me that camera!


Leslie Dominie said...

SO CUTE!! Can't believe he is 7 months already. You just reminded me that I need to do Addy's 10 month post!! Oops!!

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