Wednesday, February 15, 2012

From One Extreme to Another

Anybody remember what we were all praying for a few months ago?? RAIN!!  We were literally pleading for it as nearby towns were on fire and lakes were practically empty.  

A couple of weeks ago, that rain made its way to our backyard.  And stayed there for a while. Until it decided to come inside the house!  I woke up super early that morning to find our living room covered in water.  Adam was spending the night, so he helped me try and get it up and block the door so no more could come in.  We looked out the window and this is what we saw!
As the time passed and the rain kept coming, our little towel dam just didn't cut it.  The water started coming in under the window in the breakfast area and up through the carpet in our bedroom.  We ran out of towels, so we moved on to sheets.
The carpet in our bedroom and closet was completely soaked.  When you walked, water came up over your foot and every step made a sloshing sound.
Danny's dad came over when the sun came up and used the shop vac for a couple of hours.  He got about 28 gallons out of the carpet!
We turned the fans on and hoped for the best.  Danny worked on it again about 5 hours later and got another 10 gallons out.  
Although it was fine all day, that night, Ruston's carpet ended up wet.  Once the rain finally stopped, the drains were able to catch up a little and the water started going down.
I had quite the pile of laundry to do!
After a full day with the fans, the carpet and pad were still wet. :/  
We ended up having to pull it all up.  Unfortunately, we don't have flood insurance, so it's not covered.
We got a drainage system from Home Depot and got it installed it in the backyard.  Hopefully we won't ever have this problem again!
Our house has been in shambles, with our furniture, clothes, and random piles all over the living room, dining room, and garage.  We've been sleeping in the guest room.  That bad is quite small for 2 1/2 people! Don't let this cute face fool you... he doesn't sleep on his mattress for long!
We finally got our new carpet in on Saturday.  It's so pretty!  We went with the same carpet, just a shade darker than it was.
 Ruston approves. :)  He sat in his empty room and played for a while.  Can't wait till we have all our furniture put back where it belongs and our house is back in order. :)
As crazy and hectic as this time has been, we are so lucky to have such wonderful family and friends to get us through.  Our families have helped out with moving furniture, cleaning up, fooling with stinky carpet and watching Ruston.  Many of the awesome people I work with pooled together and gave Danny and I a donation to help off set some of our costs.  Thank you all so much!! You are all greatly appreciated. :)


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