Monday, May 17, 2010

Where has the time gone?!?

I don't know about everyone else, but I can not believe that it is already the middle of May! Time has just flown this year and I'm not really sure where it's gone. This kid is 8 months old today!! How is that even possible? He's getting to be such a big boy and it makes me sad! Although he is definitely getting more fun and personable, I miss my little innocent guy that would be in the exact same position I left him in, if I needed to step away for a second.
Eating: This kid doesn't miss any meals! He's still not chunky at all, though. He's eating a lot more of the solid foods and not as much milk now. We've started giving him little snacks here and there of people food. He's had mashed and baked potatos, some fries, Gold fish, graham crackers, his little rice cakes, cake (and frosting!), and cheetos. He loooooves Cheetos!
Still no teeth, though, so we can't give him too much, yet. :) He is really into holding his own things. He "doesn't need" help with his bottle, or with shoving crackers in his mouth. He wants to do it all on his own.
Sleeping: Wow! This is definitely one of our growth points this month. After all our sleep troubles, we are pleased with what's going on now. Thanks to Christen, and the Baby Whisperer, he is sleeping in his own bed, all night, every night. He doesn't sleep straight through, and I do have to go in there once or twice (on good nights), but I don't pick him up, and he usually goes back to sleep within 10 minutes. I know this sounds crazy to a lot of you, but the things we were trying before just weren't working for us.
I'm willing to get up a few times a night and help him go back to sleep....because I'm still getting waaaaaayyyy more sleep than I was before. :)
Playing: Two words....wiggle worm. This kid CAN NOT stay still. He is go go going constantly. He can twist, turn, squirm and stretch in all directions until he gets what he wants. I'm sure you can tell from this month's pictures. I couldn't even get him to sit long enough to snap a one. :) He can pull up holding on to your fingers, no problem. He's working on pulling up with other things like the side of the crib or arm rests on the couch. He likes to time for sitting. He will straighten his legs, stiff as boards, when you try to sit him down. Ruston loves the water. Bath time is a huge play time and the whole room ends up wet. :) This past weekend we visited Danny's Grandpa and got some pictures of him playing in the hot tub. I'll try to post those this week. He's still really observant. Sometimes he actually does sit still and will just really concentrate on something. He was fascinated with the buttons on Grandpa's shirt. He used his pointer finger to touch them and flick them. They had his undivided attention for a good 5 minutes!
He absolutely looooooves Diesel. Diesel gets the best smiles and giggles, hands down.
Talking: Ruston's coos and babbles are starting to sound more and more like real words. He gets really into his conversations and is very serious when he's telling you about something. It sounds like he's using real words, just in his own little language. I joke that he sounds like the Asian people that talk about you as they're giving you pedicures. :)
Moving: Not crawling, but getting better at scooting! When we were taking pictures on the bed
today, he'd start out up at the top and end up down at the footboard. He's actually kind of using his face to move....he smashes it down into the bed and pulls with his chin. haha. Goofy child.
Such a happy boy. Don't know how we lived without him. :)


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