Sunday, May 30, 2010

ME - A to Z!

Well, I'm sitting here again tonight, with nothing to do but play on the internet! Ruston has been sleeping for about 2 hours now...I'm expecting him to be awake any minute. :/ Danny is on another Ride Out...this time with a Trooper. No telling what time he's going to get home...probably about the time I'm waking up to feed Ruston! So here is some entertainment for you! :)

a. area code: 78621

b. bed size: queen

c. chore(s) you hate: vaccuuming! I hate that it's so loud and I can't hear what's coming up behind me. I'm such a scaredy cat!! haha

d. dog's name: Diesel

e. essential "start of the day" item: chapstick, something to drink, and time. Do not talk to me until I've had time to wake up! :)

f. favorite color: green

g. gold or silver: silver

h. height: 5'4"

i. instruments you play: Rock Band drums :)

j. job: 1st grade teacher

k. kids: My pooper, Ruston is 8 months old

l. living arrangements: beautiful house in Elgin, TX!

m. movie: I like girly movies and funny movies...right now my favorite is Sex and the excited to see the 2nd one on Monday!

n. nickname: Ally

o. overnight hospital stay: yep...3 nights when I had Ruston, and when I broke my elbow in 3rd grade

p. pet peeve: liars

q. quote from movie: Your voice is like a combination of Fergie and Jesus. ahahaha

r. righty or lefty: right

s. siblings: Adam - 25, Andrew - 14, Audrey - 13; in laws Amanda - 21, Dallas - 18, Dillon - 14

t. time you wake up: 5:30a.m. to feed the baby

u. underwear: yes

v. vegetables you dislike: cabbage

w. ways or reasons you are late: I'm late every morning simply because I don't want to leave :)

x. x-rays: not in a while....probably just jinxed myself :(

y. yummy food you make: manicotti is still my favorite!

z. zoo animals you like: hmmm...I like all of them! I'm going to go with Tigers!


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