Ruston turned 17 months old on the 17th. He is turning into such a big boy with a huge personality! The boy runs everywhere and never slows down. I don't know how he has so much energy!!
He loves to play. He'll play with his cars (line them up and move them from one side of the table to the other) for really long chunks of time. He also likes to wrestle with us. His favorite it to climb up and sit on our faces! Crazy boy. He still loves his books too. And now he's into magazines!
Ruston is a funny little fella. He loves to make us laugh. And with a grin like that, how could you possible hold in your smile? :)
Talking is still going about the same. He says mama, dad, D (Diesel), no, and oh no quite often. He's also said Dallas, Adam, trash, fish, cupcake, ball, car, Barney, and Elmo, but only once or twice and we never hear them again. :)
Sleep....oh, sleep. We have had to come to terms with the fact that those few weeks of sleeping through the night were just a phase. He's back to his old night-time tricks again. And I am back to walking around like a zombie all day. ha! I'm hopeful we'll get another of those phases soon... and maybe it will stick around!
Eating is become more of a struggle. He goes through random spurts where he just doesn't want to eat. Luckily, he usually makes up for it the next day.
We got him some coloring books and colors a few weeks ago. He'll hold the crayons and color a bit, but it doesn't last long. We got him some for the bathtub too and he LOVES scribbling on the side of the tub.
He likes playing with our phones. He watches Top Gun clips on Danny's and plays with "Talking Tom" on mine. He thinks that kitty is hilarious.
Temper tantrums are becoming more frequent! :( They mostly happen during diaper changes, dinner time, when he starts getting sleepy, and when we take something away from him. Luckily, they don't last long...but they're definitely no fun!!
Love this kid and can't wait to see what's in store for us this month!
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