I have a 15 month old son?! How can this be?? It's hard to believe (as it is every month that passes), but my silly boy is another month older. Mr. Personality is all about the attention. He will do anything to get Danny and I to laugh and/or chase him around the house. Have you seen the V8 commercials where they boink each other on the head and say "Doh! Should have had a V8?" He loves for us to say Doh! and he boinks himself on the head. Such a fun little stinker.
We started out our morning with Mickey Mouse and a pop-tart in Mom and Dad's bed.
We went to the doctor this morning and all checked out well. He's getting to the age now that he understands fun things don't happen at the doctors office. The child that used to smile and flirt with the nurses and laugh at the doctor, has turned into the child that shakes his head furiously as the nurse tries to measure the circumference, and tries to crawl behind my back when the doctor reaches for his belly. haha. He was a handful! His suspicions turned out correct though, poor guy had to get 3 shots.
Eating: Ruston is still a super eater. He eats pretty much everything we eat. If I feel like he needs more veggies than what we're having, I'll still give him some of the baby food. But he'd definitely prefer the real thing. He is still all about the fruit and loves pizza. He still uses his hands a lot, but he usually at least tries to use his fork.
He LOVES juice. We only give him one sippy cup a day and he usually slurps it down in about 20 seconds.
Talking: Still a lot of pointing and babbling going on. No real words yet. The doctor wasn't concerned yet, because he still "talks, just not in our language. :) And he understands what we're saying, he just doesn't say it back. If we ask him where someone is or to go and get something, he will point them right out or come running around the corner with it. He's still got only 5 teeth, but I'm sure more will be coming soon. :)

Sleeping: It's still a work in progress. Still not making it through the night, but he is not coming into our room any more. If he's calm and "trying" to go back to sleep, we stand there and pat his back until he falls asleep. If he keeps standing up and trying to get us to pick him up, we leave him to scream it out. Unfortunately, both options leave us awake until he decides to fall back to sleep.
Playing: Ruston plays all day long! :) His planes and tractors are still a favorite. He's really into his cars now too. He's got several "Chuck" cars that are spread all over the house.
We moved his chair into the living room for him to sit and watch TV or eat his snack. He loves it! He'll climb up in it and get comfy!
He still loves "reading." He has an insane amount of books (I love it!), and he reads them throughout the day. He's still not ready for paper books though...the few that he has have been ripped to shreds!
Diesel is still putting up with the crawling, climbing, pulling, and bouncing. That dog must really love him because he puts him through the ringer everyday!! :)
Ruston still likes to "help" me out in the kitchen. Except now, instead of pulling everything out, he'd much rather get inside and look around. :)
Moving: Ruston is a runner. He doesn't walk anywhere. He sprints. haha. It's getting hard to beat him places! He thinks it's funny when he walks backwards. :) He loves music and is starting to dance more. Amy said that he was actually keeping a beat through different songs at her house the other day.
Happy 15 months, little stinker! Can't wait to see what you learn next!
OK--when did he stop looking like a baby and more like a little boy???? I am not ok with this. ;) We got your Christmas card today--Addy was so excited to see his face!
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