Every year I look forward to the rodeo. So many people, so many things to do, so many good singers...
I can't believe that another year of the rodeo is already over. This year I didn't spend as much time out there as I used to. When I was a kid, we practically lived out there because so many family members were working it. In my most carefree semester of life (living out in the Ponderosa, for those of you that know :)), my friends and I were up there every night. Such a blast.
We only made it out there twice this year, but that's OK. Priorities change when you have a wee one. :)
We went to the BBQ Cookoff on the 19th. Fantastic food and drinks from the Asleep at the Grill Team. I saw so many friends I haven't gotten to see in so long! We had tickets for the rodeo that night too, but we just made it to the concert. No matter how many times I see Randy Rogers, it's still great! He's still my favorite. :) After the concert we went back to the cook off for a while. It was a late night!!

We had more tickets for this past Friday. We got there super late again because we had my school's Spring Carnival to work. We made it just in time for Steve Wariner's 2nd song. He is fabulous!! I'm telling you, I was expecting him to look old and fat, but he didn't at all! Great concert. And great time at the BulletProof tent afterwards! There was a "cover band" playing...Suede. They were the best band I've heard in forever!! We didn't leave until the played their last song at 2! They're playing again at Cool River in May...I think we're going to have to go!
Adios, Rodeo Austin.....see ya next year!
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