So, I should have posted this on Wednesday, but better late than never, right?! Big Boy turned 5 months old on the 17th! It's hard to believe that time is going so quickly. Ruston is changing every day! Wednesday was a long day for him, so he wasn't really into his photo shoot...didn't do too much smiling. But he's still super cute. :)
Ken came over on Valentine's day and took his 5 month pictures. He was full of smiles that day! He looks like a little man!

He doesn't go to the Dr. this month, so I'm not positive how much he weighs, but my arms tell me he is gaining! haha. Let's see...the new things for this month are.... Ruston is getting so much more aware of things around him. He can locate sounds and find them quickly. He is full of smiles and some of the giggles are turning into all out belly laughs. He especially likes it when his dad pretends to eat his belly. :) He's becoming a champ at eating with a spoon! He likes peaches, applesauce, and pears, but Sweet Potatoes are by far the favorite. The bananas were a definite no go. Next up is squash! He is interested in whatever you have in your hands. He believes that whatever it is should be in HIS hands and a lot of times, his mouth. :) He likes to "drink" from the cups that Danny and I are using...he just sucks on the rim. :) He's also starting to like Diesel. When Diesel walks up close to him, he'll smile really big, and he watches him constantly. I think he's probably trying to figure out what in the world he is and why he looks so strange! His new sweet little gesture is reaching out and touching your face when you talk to him...melts my heart!

Surprisingly, no teeth yet! He chews on everything and slobbers what seems like at least 4 gallons a day...haha. But nothing yet! He puts that drool to good use too...he has become a professional spit bubble blower. He can catch your face from about 2 feet away. I have to tell you, I don't mind the spit nearly as much as when he does it with his baby food. Yuck! :) No rolling over or sitting up on his own yet either, but it's coming soon! When you set him down, he uses his little tummy muscles and pulls himself up, but he normally just keeps going forward. Hasn't gotten that balance thing down yet. :) Can't wait to see what he learns next!

cutest. thing. ever. love it!! we need to get the babies together!
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