Our little man arrived on September 17th, 2009 at 12:02p.m.! He was 7 pounds, 14 ounces and 20.5 inches long!

On Wednesday evening, the 16th, I let Danny convince me to go walk around the neighborhood a bit. We'd been walking for about a minute when he mentioned how "bad" it would be if I went into labor that night. (We were definitely not prepared! Bag hadn't been packed, Pediatrician hadn't been chosen, nursery wasn't ready, my school stuff wasn't prepared, etc.) I agreed and we walked a minute longer and......my water broke! Danny helped me hobble back to the house and ran around grabbing things and calling people as I directed him from the shower...haha. My water broke at 8:30 and we got to the hospital right at 10. We got all checked in and settled into our room. The doctors informed us that nothing would probably happen until the next afternoon. A few of the MANY folks in the waiting room headed back home, but we had a good amount of troopers that spent the night on those "comfy" chairs!! It was a veeeerrrrrryyyyy long night. I didn't start hurting until about midnight. The doctor came in and started Pitocin at 3a.m. and I finally requested the epidural at 4. I'd had enough!! :)
Things moved quickly from there. At about 11:30 the next morning, it was time to get to work! Hearing the little guy cry for the first time was an amazing sound. Surreal. It was so great to finally meet the person that had made me so sick for so long! haha
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