How is it already Easter?! Yesterday was a REALLY busy day for us! We started out by dyeing some eggs.
Then we whipped up the brightest cake this kitchen has ever seen. :)
We dyed the cake batter with food coloring and then threw in globs of each color.
When the cake came out, we melted a tub of icing and dyed it too! Then we poured the icing over the cake.
No cake is complete without sprinkles! We let the cake cool so the icing would set and then we were ready to go!

We spent the afternoon out at Nana's house. Ruston had a blast playing and riding his horse. Danny used to ride this horse when he was little!
Ruston and another little boy were the only little kids there, so they got TONS of eggs. Goofy little boy was pretty proud of his stash.
Next up came the whacking of the pinata! Poor little Easter Bunny got the tar beat out of him. ;)
Makyla's birthday is a few days after Easter, so we celebrated it today too.
It never fails, as soon as people start heading to their cars to go home, someone breaks out the confetti eggs!