I wish I had some pictures of all the fun we've been having, but not much fun has been had. This summer started out fabulous, but has since taken a small detour. :/
The Friday before Father's day, I noticed a mosquito-like bite on my hip. It had a black dot on it, which I attempted to scratch off. When it didn't come off, I realized it was probably a spider bite. I wasn't worried about it, because it was really small. We spent Friday night and Saturday morning at Inks Lake. (**Side note: My PawPaw has been taking all of us here since I can remember. My mom told us this would have been his 43rd year there. The family went for a few days to celebrate/remember the fun times we had there with him.**) Anyway, lake water was apparently a bad idea for a freshly scratched bug bite.
It ended up infected. Monday and Tuesday it was bigger, but still didn't really concern me. I just kept doing the whole Neosporin and bandaid deal. By Wednesday, the sucker hurt. And it was quite a bit larger. By this point I was thinking it was a boil and stupidly attempted to lance it myself, at the suggestion of a certain friend and brother. Thanks guys! haha. Thursday morning, I couldn't take it anymore and called a doctor. They got me in that day and I must say, I was surprised at how bad it was. :/
I'll spare you the gory details and grotesque pictures (yes, I have some). I now have a small hole in my hip (~cm in diameter)....that opens up into a 4 inch long, by 1/2 inch wide, 2 inch deep (!) hole inside of my leg. That spider kicked my butt. It's incredibly painful and has to be repacked everyday. Yep, I've been going to the Dr every single day (even on the weekend!) to have my "hole" repacked.
Unfortunately, the pain meds they prescribed make me sick and extremely tired... neither of which work well with a 2 year old running around. The 1st round of antibiotics weren't strong enough for the infection, so the swelling/infection continued to grow. Saturday they added another antibiotic prescription and gave me a shot of a really strong antibiotic. Luckily, that's helped. As of yesterday, I am probably going to have to continue the daily repacking for at least 2 more weeks! Ouch! Seriously, it is one of the most painful things ever...luckily it only takes about 15 seconds.
Anyway, the point of this pity party post, is that I am bummed. Bummed that I can't walk correctly. Bummed that I can't sleep on my right side. Bummed that I can't stand or walk very long without being in extreme pain. Bummed that my skin is rubbed raw from peeling off medical tape over and over again. Bummed that all I can wear are loose work out shorts. Bummed that I can't swim (it's freakin summer! Argh!). Bummed that I can't make plans because I have to visit the doctor everyday. And most importantly, bummed that I can't play with my boy as much as I want to. :( See what happens when I can't entertain him?
Lucky for him, he gets some play time at Mother's Day Out twice a week....AND he has some extremely awesome grandparents and aunts/uncles that are more than willing to come by and entertain him for a bit, while Mama is out of the game. Hoping this process ends soon so I can get back to playing!!!