Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Family Vacay
We've spent the last few days back down at the beach! After Danny got off work Thursday night, we headed south...we didn't get to the condo until about 2 in the morning! But we got to wake up to this...
There is still a good bit of seaweed hanging around, but the beach really did look pretty this weekend. When we travel and get in late, we usually just hang out inside the next day. So Friday, we just relaxed on the couch, snacked, and watched this little monkey tear the place apart. :)
We did leave for a little while to go grab lunch in Corpus. My parents come down once a year and this was their weekend. We went in and met them at Hooter's. Ruston entertained everyone by kicking over a glass of water, screaming when I wasn't feeding him fast enough, and making goofy faces.
Amanda and Matt got in Friday evening. Ruston LOVES Amanda. I think he loves her even more now that she got him all hopped up on Dr. Pepper. :)
We spent a good deal of the day Saturday over at Port Royal. Ruston wasn't too into swimming this time, but he did hang out for a little while.
I tried to get a picture of each of the boys as they came down the slide, but I failed each time! haha. This picture of them bragging about their trip down will have to do...
We had planned on going to dinner with everyone that night, but the wait was way too long for the little guy. Can you tell how excited he is that we decided to go to Taco Bell instead?!
Sunday afternoon Dillon, Kathie and Diesel came down. Uncle Dillon had a surprise for Ruston. He bought him his first A&M cap! It's so cute and fit so well. He usually grabs hats and tries to pull them off immediately, but he just left this one alone!
He and Gigi were super excited to see each other and had a lot to catch up on.
Bath time!
Can't forget about my first child! My fur baby Diesel :)
Monday morning started out with some yummy cinnamon rolls.
Such a sweet boy...he's a great sharer. :)
He's still just not sure about the sand. He kept trying to pick his feet up! (Notice, he still hasn't let go of those cinnamon rolls!)
Monday night we went out one last time with my dad and family friends. We went to Pelican's Landing, which I've never been to before. Dad said we could get whatever we wanted, so I had a filet. Oh my gosh, it was good. I'm a weirdo, and not much of a meat eater, but this steak was delicious!
Dad and Ruston love walking around talking and looking at animals. They checked out the birds all weekend at the pool. The restaurant had an aquarium with some cool fish they got to watch during dinner.
Me and Bek
Rebekah and Scott
Stan and Sandra (Stan was being difficult :) )
Stanley and Cindy
Beaver and Skylar
The hubs and I
Ruston (checking out the fan), Benda and Dad
We had another great weekend free of worries and work. I am so grateful that we have a place we are able to visit and use as often as we'd like. As I've said a million times before, I love the beach and I am thankful that I am able to spend so much time there. Can't wait until next time! :)
Friday, July 23, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Adios, Trailblazer!
Danny and I have been talking for the past couple months about selling my car. Where we are in our lives right now just doesn't leave us with the need to have 2 cars. (or 2 car payments!) So I finally took it in to Carmax yesterday.

I was actually pretty sad when we were leaving! It was the first thing I ever actually bought. Now all I have left are these....
haha! I didn't ask them for those, they just brought them in to me. I think I'll hang them in the garage. :)
Adam and Saoirse came over for dinner last night. It was nice because we never really get to see them and just hang out.
As usual, Ruston didn't let anyone down in the entertainment department. :)
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Ten Months
I can not believe Ruston is 10 months old. It's hard to imagine that in 2 short months we will be having a first birthday party! His little personality is continuing to develop and he is just funnier every day. I have really enjoyed getting to spend each day with him and watching him learn new things.
Eating: He's such a good eater. Still no teeth, but we've started giving him some table food. He does a really great job of using his gums to mash up his food. He likes chicken, spaghetti, corn, green beans, mashed potatoes, and any kind of bread. He's so funny using his fingers to pick up the food and try to stuff it in his mouth. :) He had his first restaurant meal this past month. We were at Chili's with Nana and Dillon and he ate some chicken crispers and french fries. Healthy, I know! haha.
He holds his bottle himself most of the time. I'll lay him in his playpen or in the swimming pool in the living room and he'll do it all on his own. This week, he finally learned how to drink from a sippy cup. I don't know how many of you have tried to drink from one before, but it is not easy!! They make them so that they won't spill when they are dropped, thrown, or shaken upside you have to suck hard!
Sleeping: Very inconsistent. Some nights he'll only wake up once and go right back to sleep. Other nights he's up every hour. I've started another bad habit of rocking him to sleep each night, but I love it! I'm sure I'll regret it later, but right now I just cherish every minute he lets me hold him like that. :)
Playing: Boy, can he play! That's all he does! Not that it's a problem, but he sure does tire me out! :) He recently learned how to play Peek-a-boo. So funny...he gets so excited!
He's got a new funny face, too. He squeezes his eyes shut, scrunches up his nose, and curls his upper lip. Hilarious! He does it when he's happy and when he's "fake" crying. haha. Little toot.
He still bangs on everything and put it all in his mouth. He loves my Chapstick. He'll hold on to it, chew on it, stretch it up in the air, and move it from hand to hand for as long as I'll let him. Diesel is still his best friend. :) He crawls all over the guy and uses his fur to pull up. Diesel is so good with him. He just sits there and takes the beating. haha. We went to the beach for a few days last weekend and we left Diesel with my dad and Melinda. When they finally saw each other on Wednesday night, they were both excited! It was so cute....Ruston was screaming (excitedly "talking") and reaching for Diesel. And Diesel's tail was wagging 90 miles an hour and he kept stealing kisses.
Ruston has a very short attention span! Toys are only interesting for a few minutes at the most. There has to be a large selection available in order to keep him happy in one room for longer than 5 minutes. :)
Bath time is a favorite. He just sits in the tub now. He'll kick his legs as fast as he can and make big waves on the sides of the bathtub.
He still loves looking at pictures too. He'll hold my phone and touch the picture when it pops up.
Talking: He definitely says mama and dada, but I still don't think he says it to the right person, on purpose. He recognizes words though. He knows "no", "puppy", "bottle" and "birds." His sounds are steadily becoming more boyish and less babyish. I love most of his sounds...but he has started shrieking! He thinks it's hilarious. My eardrums beg to differ.
Moving: Still crawling like a champ. He's gotten to where he'll crawl on both knees when he's on the carpet. But he still uses one foot to move when he crawls on the tile. He pulls up on EVERYTHING. The cabinets, your legs, the couch, the coffee table, Diesel, chairs, the bed, his name it, he can stand up with it. He's getting good at cruising too. He can move all the way down the coffee table and the dressers. He still uses his little car to practice walking around our bedroom. Sometimes he forgets to move his legs and ends up sprawled out really far. Such a funny boy. He wears me out...I'm chasing him all day! He'll sit in one spot for a good 10 seconds, then he's speeding off to the next spot.
Can't wait to see what this little dude has in store for us this month! :)
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