I'm sitting here at school, waiting for school buses to show up and take us on our field trip. We're going on 3 field trips this week! Talk about hectic....while field trips ARE fun, I think most teacher would agree that there is a high level of stress that goes along with them. This week is an important one for the upper grades....TAKS testing. Yuck...so glad I don't have to deal with that. In an attempt to keep the younger kiddos quiet for the testers, we're headed out on trips for 3 days. Today it's Webberville Park, tomorrow the LBJ Museum and Zilker Park, and Thursday we're headed to Elgin to visit the Fire Dept and Police Dept.
School isn't the only place that's got me busy. Home life is just as hectic! We've been to 3 weddings over the past 3 weekends, and there isn't a break ahead. Baby showers, weddings, and long planned family visits have our weekends booked up through the middle of June! Crazy! Tonight we're going to College Station to have dinner for Amanda's 21st birthday. It'll be fun, but man, I'll be tired tomorrow!! :)
On top of all that, Ruston's got another ear infection. So sleep at night has been scarce. I'm just counting down the days till summer when I can take naps with him during the day!
On a fun note, we went to Target after Ruston's Dr appt yesterday to pick up some things. We've gotten our tax return back, so we bought a swimming pool! It's one of those blue blow up things that's like waist deep. Can't wait for lazy pool days!!
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Friday, April 23, 2010
Flashback Friday!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Thoughts for Thursday...Part 3
Coming to you from Dawson's Creek. Oh, how I miss those high schoolers and their ridiculously mature conversations.....(really, though, I did LOVE that show!)

Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
7 Months!
This little toot is 7 months old! I think he looks so "skinny" in these pictures! He's able to sit up on his own now and has actually "caught" himself a few times. He's getting to be such a big boy!
Monday, April 19, 2010
Selvera Wedding!
This Saturday was wedding 2 in this month's string of events. Adrian and Alaina got married and it was a super fun affair!
Mr. and Mrs. Crim!
The bride and groom...
First dance
This guy was still going strong after midnight. Kali's necklace was extremely amusing to him. :) His Uncle Justin was not so awake...stay tuned for Wednesday's post... ;)
When I was living in Mesquite, some of my friends from McKenzie got together every month for POKENO night. It was something I looked forward to each month, so I was really excited about getting it started here. We did the first one in March at my house, but I didn't take pictures. (Surprise! haha) But Bekah did...I need to get those from you!
This month, game night was at Kathie's house and the theme was "Bath Time." Such fun and I got some great smelling lotion and body wash!
Ruston with his grandmas!
Annie, Rhonda and Saoirse
Kristen, Melanie, and Ally
me and Amy
Can't wait for next month at Annie's house! If you think you'd like to join us, send me your email address!! :)
Monday, April 12, 2010
Lauri's Wedding Weekend
We had a great weekend down at the Frio! Unfortunately, Austin traffic didn't allow me to get there in time for rehearsal, but we did make it to the dinner. We had some yummy chicken fried steak, then headed to the cabins.
The Pecan Farm was beautiful. Everything was starting to turn green and the cabins were really neat.
This little boy woke up in a great mood on Saturday morning. Lauri picked me up bright and early and we headed to Concan to get our hair done. Luckily, we got back in time for me to hang out with him for a while. :)
We took him over to the playground for a while. He wasn't too sure about the baby swing. He held on with both hands and eventually tried to eat the rope.
So we climbed up the playscape...
...and went down the slide!
Then he did some swinging with Dad.
After playing a while, we walked down to the river.
Then it was back to wedding business!! I got dressed and headed to Lauri's cabin.
Lauri looked amazing! Her dress was so pretty.
Ruston would not stop sucking on pickles at the reception. He'd make a squishy face, but keep going back for more!
First dance!
Congrats, Lauri and Rayne! The wedding was beautiful, the reception was a blast, and we all had such a great time!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Wedding Season is Upon Us!
It's that time of year...weddings! weddings! weddings! Danny and I have four weddings to attend in the next 5 weeks. Is that not crazy?! We're headed down to Leakey today for the first. Lauri is getting married on the Frio River. Our bridesmaids' dresses are such a pretty color. Pics soon! Everyone have a fantastic weekend!!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Well, Ruston's first Easter didn't turn out quite as nice as we'd have liked. We were all 3 sick. :( So we didn't even leave the house. Late that afternoon, though, we threw several eggs in the front yard for Ruston to "hunt." He walked around with Danny and grabbed the eggs and put them in his basket....I sat on the porch and video'ed. These are the only actual pictures I got. He really liked his shiny eggs!
Friday, April 2, 2010
I mean, really. Being sick really sucks. Not only do I feel like I could cough up a lung at any moment, my eyes are so puffy I can barely see. My nose is raw from blowing and wiping it constantly. My head feels like it's going to explode and I break out into a nasty sweat every 1-2 hours. As Danny said last night, "You feel like you just got finished working out." Ugh. I went into a minor emergency clinic today and they did a flu test, but it came back negative. I really thought it was just allergies, but they said that wouldn't have given me the fever. So they said it must be some sort of respiratory infection. Got started on a z-pack. The sooner it starts working the better! I think the worst part of being sick is not being able to hang out with my little Pooper. I just can't take care of him. It breaks my heart to see him just staring at me like, "Mommy, why aren't you holding me?" Sheesh. He's been out at Nana's all day today. Danny left a couple hours ago to pick him up, so hopefully they'll be back soon. I guess I'll just talk to him from across the room again tonight. Hey, it's better than not seeing him at all.
Flashback Friday! Part 7
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Thoughts for Thursday...Part 3
To all you Mommies out there!....I got this earlier this week from Mimi. The pictures in the email were of random cute babies. But of course, I had to replace it with my cute baby. :)

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